Now that we are in week 5 of quarantine, I have gotten used to this craziness and I have a productive schedule going. Even though I am home everyday, I like to keep all of my tasks separate. EX: "Gym time" is performed outside or in my living room, "Work" is done at my desk, "Chill time" is done in my room/family room and "Sleeping" is done in my room (get it?)
If you stay in one place too long, you will go crazy! I have found that separating my tasks and where they are performed keeps me committed to everything that needs to get done that day.
Here's my schedule:
Get up early! Sleeping in will steal your day. I leave the lazy days for the weekend (good way to differentiate your days since everyday seems to feel the same)
Workout. Get your body moving! A good sweat produces so much energy. 40 minutes to 1 hour.
Breakfast. This feels good after an awesome workout!
During the day
Working from home? Get to it!
No work? Start a passion project. What's something you have always wanted to do? (build a desk, build a vanity, start running miles daily, create a website, learn how to do your nails/hair, begin a youtube, do something you have always been passionate about or just find interest in!) Let this keep you occupied for a couple of hours instead of watching TV or staying on social media all day. All of these projects require little to no money!!! Treat it like a job and put your hours in daily.
Take a lunch break. You deserve it. 30 minutes to an hour!
If its nice out, get some sun! Sometimes i'll take my lunch outside or go for a walk after I eat (burning calories and getting some vitamin D)
The day is almost over (awesome). Engage with your family or friends. Call someone on FaceTime see how their day at "work" was!
Start to prepare your dinner. Get your Netflix shows ready (you earned some good TV today!!!)
Take control of your sleeping schedule!!! 10:00pm is a great time to go to bed. Not super late, not super early. You will be able to get up around 6:00/6:30am the next day.
Phone on do not disturb!!! You have probably been on your phone/laptop all day, but now you are trying to rest - put it across the room.